Help us make history visible


When we choose to acknowledge the contributions of all people—“black and white, bond and free, male and female”—we show that we embrace unity and change in the right direction (2 Nephi 26:33).

Establishing a permanent monument that represents the African American contribution to the Church and to the early Utah Territory will give the entire community a deeper feeling of unity and give the African American community a greater sense of belonging and inclusion.

A monument becomes a gathering place. Building a monument on beautiful grounds in Utah where visitors can reflect, learn, and heal will demonstrate that this truly is a place for all.

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The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints has made tremendous strides and efforts to proclaim messages establishing unity and denouncing hate. Though the gospel of Jesus Christ firmly teaches the value and worth of all of God’s children, there is currently a lack of visual representation of African American members who have dedicated their lives and hearts to building up Zion.

There are many African American pioneers, both enslaved and free, who significantly helped in building the foundation of the early Church and Utah Territory. Countless monuments, parks, and buildings today pay homage to many early pioneers, yet African American pioneers are missing from this recognition.

Every donation is a step toward building a monument honoring a legacy that has gone unsung for too long. Now is your chance to be a part of acknowledging and celebrating all those who came before us, laying a foundation of faith.

“We need somewhere that we can take our children to show them that they belong and that we celebrate all people that have helped lay the foundations of this church and the state of utah.”

— Mauli Junior Bonner